Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New Accomplishments for June!

Well, Ethan has been off to a busy start this month!

He is working on his artistic abilities by drawing on...

- Walls
- His baby dolls' heads and faces
- Paper pad
- Coloring Book
- Toys

Guess which of the above are the only two genuine "accepted" drawing outlets for a young tot in the Green household?
Yeah... you got it.

In addition to expanding his artistic abilities, Ethan is also working on his vocalization. In May, he said "Mama" and "No," (and no, not together, thank you!), however he really does not feel like repeating himself. He must think I am so dense when I keep asking him, "Who am I? Who am I? Am I 'Mama?'" Lol~

He loves doing his ear-splitting high pitch screaming. My guess is he is trying to communicate with his brothers in utero. I have no idea what message he is trying to relay, but I am thinking it is something along the lines of, "I can't wait to draw on you two when you get out!!!"

He has mastered the fine art of opening and closing the doors in our house, thanks to our usage of levers instead of round knobs as door handles. Guess which Grandma was surprised yesterday when she was in the bathroom...

He also started holding his index finger up now when you ask him how old he is. He doesn't do it every single time, though. I guess he decided that he had better start keeping track of the important stuff like his age and all, given his Mommy's lack of identity retention. Sheesh. He does have to grow up fast, doesn't he?

Ethan is busy working on his gymnastic skills as well. He loves attempting a head stand. He hasn't quite gotten the idea that the legs need to go straight in the air, but soon enough he will be proficient at it and giving Mommy all sorts of scares...

Finally, Ethan is working on his mad dance skills because all the ladies love a dancer.

What a busy 17-month old... and the month is JUST getting started!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Harpo Marx reincarnated.

I am beginning to think that Ethan might be the reincarnated Harpo Marx! Lol~


Ethan still is not big on talking. He has said "Mama" and "No" on separate occasions, but then he doesn't repeat himself.

But this little guy loves to whistle and he is REALLY good at it. Better than some adults I know, even! He likes to whistle if there is a show theme song that is on the TV that he likes and he also just walks around the house whistling.

He does remind me of when Harpo Marx would whistle and gesture to get his point across. You always knew what Harpo was talking about without him having to say a word. Ethan has used similar training methods on his family to great sucess. =)

The other day, he reminded me of a dwarf (Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs) as he was carrying these containers out of his bedroom to stick on the sofa in the front room and he was whistling while he was working.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

The One Who Shall Remain Nameless

Poor Grandma....

Mommy made the mistake of mentioning the 'Forbidden Name' before leaving for a doctor's appointment this afternoon while Grandma was going to be watching Mr. Ethan.

This 'Forbidden Name' causes Ethan to go into such a tizzy lately!

What is this 'Forbidden Name,' you might ask? Simple. Kai-Lan.

Ethan has one Nihao Kai-Lan book. He also LOVES watching Nihao Kai-Lan on nickjr. This weird obsession of his has started over the past week or so. You cannot say 'Kai-Lan' without seeing Ethan do a happy dance and point to the TV.

Evidently, he believes that every time you utter her name, you summon her to your television.

He will not give up on pointing and grunting to the TV until she is put on.

I am not sure if he adores Kai-Lan, or Rintoo. Who knows? All I know is this baby is nuts for the show.

The other day, he actually tried to speak Chinese at her request. She asked us to say 'dig' in Chinese, so naturally Mommy said it. Ethan got excited and did his best to say it as well... Well, as close as he could get. It was cute and he was so proud of himself.

I love him, but am slightly saddened that there is already another special lady in his life besides me. Boo-hoo!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

What a big boy!

Yesterday was a great day to be Ethan.

Grandma brought over a "booster" style chair for Ethan so he could sit at the grown-up's table instead of in his high chair. He loved it.

Of course, this move to a big boy booster seat MUST have gotten him thinking... What else can he do now that he is a 'big boy?'

At dinnertime, he wanted Mommy's grown-up bowl and fork. He also wanted to drink from Mommy's glass, which he did successfully. The first time. He drank all the water I put in it initially. Then, I refilled. He took a few sips, then reverted back from a big boy to a toddler and decided it would be a hoot to dump it out on the carpet.

At bathtime, he wanted to rinse himself off. Who needs Mommy anymore?

Friday, March 12, 2010

My son is a lolcat...

Ethan as a "lolcat:"


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9, 2010 Update

(hmm... don't you think I could be a little more creative with these blog titles? Honestly, by the time I get around to actually typing these, my brain is mostly shot and I cannot spend time trying to come up with something clever...)

Ethan cut his 8th tooth yesterday! Hip hip hooray! It was his upper right lateral incisor. Gosh... I feel like such a dentist when I write things like that. Lol~ He has had a runny nose which I HOPE is just from his tooth coming in. We have been pretty lucky with colds... he is 14 months old and only has had 3 colds in his short lifetime. I thought I read somewhere that the average baby/child gets 8-10 colds a year. Ugh. Of course, since he isn't in daycare and doesn't regularly interact with other children to swap germs...

Right now he is having dinner and on the menu for tonight is pasta with butter & parmesan cheese, string cheese, and his current favorite, grapes. My little chef has decided that it would be a fantastic combination to add his grapes to his pasta. Mmm... looks... rustic. He is also using one of his cute little toddler forks, which he adores.

One Sunday at family breakfast, Ethan had a baby fork and was eating. Well, Ethan likes to "gimme five" (as there is a fist-bump boycott currently underway in our house because my husband does not like that...), so silly Grandpa held his hand out to Ethan, which everyone knows is the international symbol for "gimme five,"and Ethan proceeded to ATTEMPT to give Gramps five... with his fork. Thank goodness Grandpa moved his hand quickly or that would have made for an interesting story to tell the ER.

We have been taking advantage of this pre-Spring weather and going out for walks and playing outside as well. It is so nice to get out of the house without really going anywhere.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 3rd, 2010 Update

Jeez... the last post was August 4th... What gives with the slacker Mommy?

Today was a trying day so far. It is only 12.30pm, mind you.

I have started keeping a bowl of clean de-stemmed red grapes in the fridge for Ethan. Anytime the fridge is open and he wants to grab some, he can and does. Well, this morning when I opened the door to get his milk, he tried to slide in and grab some grapes, but there weren't many left, and I wanted them to be available for his breakfast instead. So, I said "No."

Now, I guess in some strange way, I expected him to understand my reasoning. Save these last grapes for later. Who am I kidding? All I can say in my defense is it was early and it sounded reasonable to me.

To Ethan, not so. He hollered and cried big, fat tears. He threw himself onto the ground. Mega Tantrum-style. He babbled incoherently about the grand injustice of being denied his right to grapes.

I know it will get old at one point. I know I will get fed up with the tantrums. But it is still at the point where he is SO adorable... I can't help but smile and think I should run and grab the camcorder to preserve this for future generations. Or at least to show his future love interests for my amusement.

He did get over it, but decided he did not want to sit in my lap while drinking his milk. He did not want me to hold the bottle for him. He is a big boy now and can do it himself (while stabbing me in the heart, nonetheless).

Later, I decided to take him to our very first Lapsit at the public library for kids 3 and under. There were many kids there. He did not know what to think at first, but as we sang songs and had books read to us, things were going well.

Ever concerned about everyone, Ethan was handing out books to people who did not have them. That was cute, right? It was until he started getting very excited and throwing them. Then he did not want to sit in my lap.

The best part was the end... when the woman brought out the bubble machine. She was like the Baby Pied Piper... I am convinced those kids would have followed her ANYWHERE. Who needs candy to lure kids? Just buy a bottle of bubbles and you are set. You could see it in all the kids' eyes: "Mommy who?? I LOVE BUBBLES NOW!!!"

It was pretty adorable and it was great to see a bunch of zombie babies and toddlers trying to catch the bubbles.

One more mini-meltdown for Ethan after leaving and walking into the house (just who do I think I am anyway, trying to stop him from dragging a large bucket and snow brush into the house?!) and probably the MILLIONTH mini-meltdown for Mommy... and I was happy to see naptime come.
